
Benyamin Priawan, S.Psi

Benyamin Priawan is a psychologist assessor at the Lembaga Management of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LM FEB UI) with more than 20 years experience managing assessment center activities, especially for clients in the financial services industry as well as transportation and logistics. Has the expertise to develop several assessment tools and scoring systems, improve the ability of assessors, and develop ways to ensure the quality of assessment results.

Completed studies at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University. Serves as a Senior Assessor to evaluate managerial competence at various levels of positions, both in private companies, BUMN, government institutions and ministries. Has special expertise in the field of assessment center setup, including compiling what competencies will be measured, and developing measuring instruments, as well as preparing the expertise of those who will measure competencies. Supported by experience as a Leader in setting up assessment centers in both government institutions and BUMN.

Benyamin Priawan, S.Psi

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