Direktur Pelatihan & Asesmen

Mone Stepanus Andrias, M.Psi., MBA., PhD

Mone S. Andrias is a Senior Consultant who has had a career at the Lembaga Management FEB UI of the Faculty of Economics and Business (LM FEB UI) for more than 15 years. His expertise includes HR Management, Organization Design & Development, and Talent Management. He holds a Bachelor of Economics and Masters in Applied Psychology from the University of Indonesia, and an MBA from the Maastricht School of Management. Currently completing a doctoral program at the University of Queensland Business School. He has held several structural positions such as HR & Facilities Manager, Assistant to the Head of the Research & Consulting Division, and Head of the LM FEB UI Assessment Division. Apart from being a consultant, he also teaches at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia for subjects related to HR management, organization and leadership and has published several books. Actively providing training in the field of organization, HR and soft skills such as teamwork, communication, or leadership especially for managerial level.
Mone Stepanus Andrias, M.Psi., MBA., PhD

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