Senior Consultant

Niken Ardiyanti, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Niken Ardiyanti is a senior Management Consultant with over 16 years of experience at the Lembaga Management FEB UI at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LM FEB UI). She also serves as a resource person for the institution in various national print and online media outlets. On her coursework, Niken's earned a Professional Masters Degree in Industrial - Organizational Psychology, a Professional Psychology Program, and a Bachelor of Psychology from University of Indonesia. In a professional practitioner's life, she also received a Psychology Practice License (SIPP) in 2017 and has several professional psychology and Assessment Center Assessor certifications, including Competency Based Review Workshop Certification, Effective Interviewing Skills Training For Reviewers LPDP Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Certification, Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification. In addition, Niken Ardiyanti also participated in several national congresses and workshops, namely the Indonesian Assessment Center II National Congress, the Indonesian Assessment Center Association (PASSTI) and the National Workshop; "Becoming Smart Psychologist Using Software for Generating Psychological Assessment Reports". Aside from that, she is active as a senior lecturer in the Management Department of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Indonesia, as well as a Psychologist Assessor, Associate Instructor, and Study Researcher1 for BUMN, private (national and multinational), and government institutions.
Niken Ardiyanti, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

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