Rushli Fauzan is a Consultant at the Lembaga Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LM FEB Ul) with more than 8 years of experience handling various management consulting, especially for clients in Marketing Research & the manufacturing, transportation and financial services industries. Fauzan Strategic's areas of expertise include Marketing Research & Strategic and Corporate Strategic & Planning.
Corporate Strategic & Completed Master of Science in Management Masters in Management majoring in Strategic Management at the University of Indonesia and INDUSTRIAL Google Digital Garage.
Manufacturing Apart from that he is active as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia who is also active as a functional assessor in assessment activities both in ministries and BUMN. Currently studying digital financial services marketing and applied digital business. Rushli Fauzan's latest project is in the form of mapping Business Processes and Document Standardization of BUMN companies, Studies on Blueprints of BUMN companies for Business Development & Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).